Saturday, March 16, 2013

Are You Programmed For Success...Or Failure?

Have you ever wondered why some people just have it all? They're well liked by everyone they meet, financially set and attractive…but what stands out most is their beaming sense of self-confidence when they enter a room.

It's almost as if they have a certain "presence" that gives off positive vibes.

Not everyone is this fortunate, however. There are people who are faced with low self worth, they struggle to maintain positive relationships and often feel resentful towards people who are better off than they are.

So what's the difference? How can one person be so incredibly successful while another person constantly struggles just to get by?

The answer lies in what I call your "Invisible Lifestyle."  Your Invisible Lifestyle is what made you into the person you are today. You were literally "programmed" with the habits and beliefs that you follow today (or refuse to follow).

So who were the programmers?

Look no further than your very own parents or guardians.

It's true. Your parents unknowingly “programmed” you to become the person you are today. The reason I say 'unknowingly' is because your parents raised you the best they could based on how their parents raised THEM.
Because of the "brain wiring" of your original programmers (your parents), as an adult, you are duplicating the way they lived when you were young.

For example, let's say you were raised in a household where both of your parents were always there for you. They took an interest and encouraged you in everything you pursued.

You grew up seeing your parents work hard every day, take interest in you and treat each other with respect. As a result, you grew up to have a successful career and a happy marriage because you worked hard and treated your spouse with respect…just like your parents.

Now let's look at another scenario…

Imagine a life where you grew up in a neglectful household. Your parents never encouraged you or took an interest in anything you did…EVER.

Your father had a negative outlook on life because of HIS traumatic childhood so all he knew how to do was raise YOU the same way that his father raised HIM.

As a result, you grew up with a negative outlook on life (just like your dad), and you have low self esteem because nobody took the time to encourage you and take an interest in you as a child.

Is this YOUR fault? NO! Of course not!

You did not ask to be "dropped" into your parents' household. That is the “hand” you were dealt in life and now, as an adult, you're living out the consequences.

In these two scenarios, you're living out what I call "Invisible Lifestyle A".

A stands for "ALWAYS"

"What you didn't notice your parents doing as a child, you are faithfully reproducing today, and you don't have a clue you're doing it."

But there IS one exception to this phenomenon…

Let's say you grew up in a bad neighborhood with an alcoholic father. Everywhere you looked, you saw poverty, crime and hopelessness. As a child, you couldn't wait to move out of the house. You saw your parents' lifestyle and were DETERMINED to not only be successful, but be NOTHING LIKE YOUR PARENTS.

While you were growing up, you took the necessary steps to put yourself through school and as an adult; you have a positive self image and do everything within your power to remain financially stable.

This is known as Invisible Lifestyle B.
B stands for "BUCKING"

"What you couldn't stand your parents doing when you grew up; you won't stand for in your relationships today."

Those who embrace the "B" Lifestyle, do so in defiance of their family's values.  The B Lifestyle can create the "black sheep of the family" and that goes for highly troubled families or very successful ones.

Invisible Lifestyle B has taken place when an inner city boy or girl goes on to pursue a successful career as a lawyer while each of their siblings end up in jail. On the other hand, a child from a wealthy family could go against his parents' values by recklessly spending and eventually filing for bankruptcy as an adult.

Now I'm not telling you to place BLAME on your parents. Your parents raised you based on everything they knew at the time. It's ALL they knew. It's not their fault…it's NOBODY'S "FAULT".

The key is to understand and accept the fact that the negative values you absorbed from your parents (i.e., fear of failure, low self worth, jealousy) are programs literally "wired" into your brain.

And if you have enough discontent with these, it is very possible to change that programming in your adult life.

But simply knowing this is not enough.

You must find these programs and learn how to "decommission" them. In other words, you need to know what to do and how to do it, especially if these programs seem to dictate your behavior.

Do you do things over and over that other people might call "self sabotage"?

Are you attracted to a certain type of person you know you shouldn't be around, yet you can't help but feel attracted to?

The source of this behavior is one or two negative programs from your childhood.

These programs will prevent you (or your loved ones) from a better life.

If your parents' programmed you with some negative values that are causing you problems in your life today…it's NOT your fault…but it IS your responsibility to do something about it.

You can start by thinking about how each situation in your life today is directly affected by your Invisible Lifestyle.

The more you discuss your childhood memories of the way things were, the more you become consciously aware of them and the easier they will be to "decommission".

Over an entire lifetime, most people will not make the connection between their behavior as an adult and how their parents lived during their childhood.

They will accept their parent's values without questioning anything, never knowing the REAL reason they continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.

But now YOU know better than that. Don't live your life with a blindfold on. Create a better future by first identifying and then eliminating the values from your parents that are causing you trouble today.


Are you famous or are you focused?  Let’s start with “famous”.  When people look at you, what do they say that you are famous for?  Are you famous for procrastination…negative words…poor time management…What are you famous for?  Let me share with you what I am famous for.  I am famous for consistent, structured, focused daily strategies and techniques to live a victorious life.  I know…that is a pretty strong statement!  You see, I would rather be “focused” than famous.
I am focused on success.  I am focused on assisting you in achieving you dream and discover the greatness that is inside all of you!  Forget about being famous, let’s be focused.  Be focused on your dreams…be focused on providing for your family…be focused on building a huge team…be focused on Finding Your Why!  Let’s commit today to become focused and start changing people’s lives.
Millions of people world wide watch shows like “Who wants to be a Millionaire” or “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”.  The interesting thing is that everyone sitting on the couch with a bag of popcorn watching these shows are broke.  Why?  Because they are famous for sitting back and watching shows on other people being famous.  How about we flick the switch in life from famous to focused.  Stop dreaming of other people being famous and start being focused on your own destiny!  You must laser-focus in on your success and demolish procrastination and create action.  Demolish resolutions and create results!  Let’s demolish fear and create faith!  How is this all possible by simply being focused.  How do people become gold medalist, super bowl champions, etc?  They take charge of their lives, hire a coach and become focused.
What are you?  Who are you?  Where are you going?  How are you going to get there?  More importantly, why are you not focused?  Those that know their “Why” are very focused.  I am focused on my Why of changing lives of Champions worldwide through my coaching, mentoring, seminars and success library and creating massive success in those Champions lives!   Do not allow famous to get in your way of being focused.  Make a commitment today to forget fame and become laser-focused!  Let’s get focused and know your Why!  Let’s go out and impact the world one heart at a time.  Focus creates success and Fame creates problems.  It’s your decision…become focused and live your dream!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Are You an Achiever or are You an EXCUSIOLOGIST?

It would be a fairly safe bet that if you are reading this article then you are on the lookout for something more in your life than what you already have.

Whether you are searching for a new business, a new opportunity, a part-time income or even a lotto system it all stems from one source - dissatisfaction of present circumstances.

Now you might already be quite successful at what you do, so you might be coming from a position of boredom. Nevertheless, what you are seeking is change. Let me tell you a little secret...

There will be NO change in your life until there is a change in YOU.

Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said, as far back as the sixth Century BC, "It is in changing that things find purpose."

Do you want to change or do you want to keep driving a Volkswagen and pretending it is a Porsche? You are the only person who can make it happen.

Basically, if you want more out of life you have to put more into life. A fundamental way to do this is to start educating yourself.

How can you expect more in the ensuing years when the operating system in your brain is the same one that you left school with?

Everything changes all the time.

Maybe you need to change also. Re-invent yourself. Start a new exciting phase in your life. Time waits for nobody.

There are many people who I speak with who have never read a single book or attended any sort of learning experience since they left school. I actually think that's rather sad but some of them are even proud of it. Yet when the conversation continues out pours all their problems, all their hard luck and "woe-is-me" stories.

If you're still with me I want to ask you three questions but I would like you to think a little bit before you answer. It will probably take you a short while to answer the first question with a degree of accuracy.

So here it is, the first question: "How much time did you spend last week feeding your stomach?" Your answer doesn't have to be exact but you should be able to work out some sort of reasonably accurate figure. Jot the answer down somewhere.

Second question: "How much time did you spend feeding your brain?" Most people will not need anywhere near as long to answer this question. Unfortunately, for many, the answer to question two will be ZERO.

So here is my third question and it's a pretty simple one. "Why? Why do you spend so much time feeding your stomach and so little time feeding your brain?"

These questions are not meant to belittle anybody. Rather, I just want you to think about the issue.

Thinking intensely about things will often lead to action and when action is taken your world can change. That is what you want, isnt it?

Non-achievers are the excusers of society. By default they become excusiologists. They spend a lot of time and effort making excuses for poor performance. The crazy thing is that all that time and effort which was wasted on achieving nothing could easily have been used doing something positive.

You can easily recognise an excusiologist by their language.

"I'm not smart enough!" Rubbish. You don't have to be a genius to achieve. You just have to be willing to learn. Are you willing to learn?

"Nobody in my family has ever been successful." Great. Here's a chance to show them something new. Break the family trend.

"I've never had any luck." Really? Maybe God thinks you don't need it. The harder you work the luckier you will get.

Be careful about what comes out of your mouth. What do most people say when you ask them how they are?

Question - "How are you?" Answer - "Not bad." When you think about it, isn't such a reply rather negative and silly? Not bad compared to what? It's trash. Get rid of it. Try something innovative. Try this: "Outrageously well. Thanks so much for asking!" That will surely raise a few eyebrows.

So, getting back to what this article is all about. How much longer are you going to waste the most precious commodity you have? - TIME.

Stop making excuses and start taking action. Do something. Do it now. You could easily start educating yourself.

Good knowledge will give you potential power. Acting on good knowledge gives you power.

Try reading some good books. They can really make a change. Not sure where to start? Easy. Try try your local bookstore. Look in the "motivation - self help - personal development - success" area. There you will find dozens of books literally packed with good earthy, positive information. Most of them will contain references for even more information on these subjects. You could even enrol in a course.

After undertaking these measures there will be no excuse for being an excusiologist. I have just offered you some suggestions which will allow you to change.

Of course, you can always stay as you are. That's your choice. But if there is dissatisfaction in your life and you want to make improvements, for heaven's sake, do something about it!

You only get one chance at the life you are living. Make it grand. You don't have to accept what has gone before as the template for what is to come.

Change your operating system. Gather knowledge. Expose yourself to new ideas and ways of thinking and doing things.

You have probably heard this before but it is so pertinent I will put it before you again...

There are basically three types of people in this wonderful world of ours.

1 - There are people who make things happen.

2 - There are people who watch things happen.

3 - There are people who say "what happened?"

If you have traditionally placed yourself in groups 2 or 3 by not being willing to learn new techniques and obtain the knowledge that successful people seek, then there is a very simple remedy. But you have to be prepared to do three things:

1 - invest in yourself

2 - learn some new knowledge

3 - apply that knowledge

You can make a decision today to better yourself or you can ignore my advice. It's your choice.

Remember, there is nothing so important in your life than investing in yourself. Even if a book or seminar can teach you only one thing out of the hundreds of ideas and special pieces of information they present, it will be worth it for you. Don't you think so? That one thing might be just the piece of knowledge that can make such a huge difference to your future.

Are you worth investing in?

If, in the past you have been prone to making excuses you have the opportunity right now to do something about it.

If you read the newspapers, watch the TV and listen to the radio you will see how much negative permeates our senses. We are flooded by it every minute of every day. Studying success principles has the power to block all that negative out of your life. It can teach you how to concentrate only on what you want.

When you learn how to shield yourself from negative you will then be free to concentrate on all the good that can come into your life.

Just look around you - this world is in desperate need of more achievers. Heaven knows we have enough negative thinkers and excusiologists. They are everywhere. My advice to you is "don't add to their growing number."

Join the achievers who have success thinking as their power base.

Excusiology is a chapter you will find in a subject called Failure 101. Make the decision today to become an achiever.

Whatever you decide I wish you all the best for your future.